What Forensic investigation really is?

There’s various types of forensic investigations, from forensic dentistry, forensic science, forensic pathology, forensic entomology, forensic archaeology, forensic accounting or auditing, forensic psychology, computer or cyber forensics, forensic graphology and forensic toxicology. It is perfectly clear that there’s divisions or rather investigations are sorted in various ways.

Without a clear knowledge of what forensics means there can not be forensic investigation. Forensics is a technique or a method that is used to tackle a demonstration of any type of wrongdoing. Therefore in this way this implies that forensic investigation is the gathering and analyses of all the evidence that is related to a particular crime. This is done in order to come out with a conclusion about whether the suspect is liable or not.

For investigators to come into conclusion about a suspect, they have to deal or rather ran some important tests. These often include blood, hair, fluids, bullets or other potential weapons, fingerprints, shoe or tyre marks, documents or files, videos or photographs, hard drives, residue, computers or any other form of technology that can help discover how a crime occurred.

“Physical evidence can not be intimidated. It does not forget. It sits there and waits to be detected, preserved, evaluated and explained.” Herbert Leon Macdonell. This is the most very small detailed evidence that nobody cares of but one of the biggest evidences to ever solve a case.

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